Thursday, 18 July 2013


Asia is a continent where culture is still a very vital and integral part of life. Western culture has encroached and even swallowed up most of the cultures. Asia has not been spared either.   However look at Asia as the land of tough people. They fought for the survival of their beliefs and way of life. This is why we see Muslim women wearing jeans and vests then covering up in Hijabs and Saris. In this way they have embraced the revolution but upheld their norm. It is so necessary that we understand the Asian cultural trends. Issues you should know about Asians are like:
House visits around Asia
 Guests are precious. It is for this reason that prior notification and planning has to be done. There is protocol which has to be adhered to. When entering the door do not step on the doorsill.
If you go with your husband he will sit at the head of the table. If alone, you are the one who will seat there. Either way the one who seat at the head must have their back facing the door. If for whatever reason there are many guests and you are considerably the main guest then you have to seat on the left hand side of the host. I know we all love that big comfy boisterous look of the head seat but in Asia you will have to tame your preference. Sorry.
It is okay to be ‘just passing by’ if delivering a gift like taking pies to make friends with the neighbors. These gifts are usually accepted after you insist that they accept it.Take no offence. Look at it as humility.
Gifts you cannot bring include clocks, cut flowers and umbrellas since they are associated with funerals and death. Asia is a continent of superstitious people. Fruits are good presents. If some are brought back, it means they like you.

 Eating mannerisms
Bring up bowls as close to you as you wish. Open your mouth if you like. Laugh, enjoy as you chew as well. It is acceptable here. Do not finish all the food on your plate or even worse lick it for Heaven’s sake!

 Handling the poor in Asia
Do not stare at the less fortunate. Asia is the most populated continent with 4.2 million people. is therefore rampant. To them missing the basic needs is almost a norm. When you show astonishment, pity, dismay, surprise, among other undesirable sentiments, it seems condescending .It is also considered a sign of humiliation and arrogance. When you are associated with this you are definitely losing friends and making none as well. Watch your way to loneliness or loneliness will watch your way to it.
Apologizing to Asians
Man is to err. You do make new mistakes daily. Apology may be the food for a peaceful soul. When you find yourself in a situation which needs apology while living in Asia, just tap the person’s shoulder then tap your own forehead. Simple!
Do the Wai
This is their greeting whereby you put your hands together as though in prayer position then make a slight bow. The higher the position of your hands while bowing the greater the respect conveyed. This does not mean that you raise your hands above your head. You may also just do a slight nod and a bow.
Head coverings
Women are asked to wear long sleeved clothes and skirts reaching the ankle level when going to church. Abayas are the best since they are like a robe that comes in many colors and from neck to toe. In some areas no one may ask you for not wearing a head cover as a women. However the glares are nothing to ignore. They can be such a massacre. If this can make you uncomfortable, please cover your head.
Working in Saudi Arabia
Their week runs from Saturday to Wednesday. You are used to being behind the computer or having the secretary run around Monday through to Wednesday .Well here is a breather for you. Hard work is appreciated but working as per their norms.The ‘party’ begins on Wednesday in Saudi Arabia.
Most of the regions are Islam culture therefore they pray 4-5 times every day. Roughly after every 3 hours. Prayer time is announced by a loud slow song done in Islam via a loud speaker. The people respond by either heading to the mosque or praying where they are. At these times business stops. Please wait for the prayers to end in about 15 minutes. Harassing the vendor to serve you as this is disrespectful to God.
Line between singles and the married
In some hotels, there is a section for single people and the married. Each has its distinct section entrance. If you are single the whole world will know. At least the ‘world’ in a hotel. Only bachelors though can go to the ‘singles’ area. This is different as from the trend in many countries where people mix and interact.
The education
Most schools teach in Arabic then English in later grades. For British curriculum there are privets expensive schools yet the pay if considered to be the smallest of all continents. The average worker can earn roughly up to 10,000 SR/month, whereas private school fees does rank from 8000 to 40 000 SR/month. If you have a big family you might want to seriously consider this. However some companies do give benefits depending on who you are in the corporate.
Be rowdy.
Feel free to yell to draw the attention of a waiter. Feel free to push in trains as well. This may feel rough .There are too many people to attend to. You might have to wait forever. Most of the places are also very crowded therefore space really not valued. Push people in trains and yell to call at a waiter.
Entertainment in Asia
You cannot place a glass upside down in a bar in Australia. It shows that you are challenging anyone to a competition. It may be a fist fight, taking of beer or others. It also shows that you are sure you will win. Recreation places are men’s haven away from home for many. Start something you can finish.
Now you know that moving to Asia is not just a case of “Pack your clothes kids we are moving to Asia.”It is more involving than moving to anywhere else in this world since most destinations in Asia still uphold their culture. It is also a land where patriarchy is followed. This means that the males are seen as the heads whereas women are inferior. You might want to think about moving to Asia as a woman. This could change how you and your children view gender roles.

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