Thursday, 18 July 2013


Moving from one place to another can either be a smooth or rough sail. How you adapt can entirely be determined by your background. The lifestyle in which you were brought up moulds your level of hard work, character and reasoning. It also determines your perception of the environment around you. A shift in culture is hard on everyone. It is especially harder for anyone shifting from a third world country into America. The latter is very developed. There are many cultures .
The occasion determines what to do or say. The rules for living change because you relate to different people of different cultures every day. Misinterpreted communication or behaviors can land you in trouble. If it is your first time in America, you probably smiled all through your flight. Some things you should consider to keep you smiling past the airport in America include:

House ownership
Foreigners can buy a house with or without the intention of living in America permanently or temporarily. Hot spots such as the area near the Greater Orlando are more expensive. Housing gets cheaper as you head towards the coast of New York down to Boston. The process is every transparent however you may need and attorney review all the contracts involved just to be safe. “In real terms, property prices in the US are back to where they were around the turn of the millennium, with prices in some states 70 per cent below their 2006 peak,” says Ray Withers of Property Frontiers, a property consultancy.  Gated communities have come up .A good bargain can earn you a four-bedroom house for only £120,000 or even a three-bedroom villa with a pool for £95,000. Do not shy away from investing in a grand home in America.
Safety in America
“Most Americans are very polite, particularly outside of the big cities. However, outside of the big cities, everyone owns guns. Inside the big cities, almost everyone owns guns.”  These are the words of Japanese -Jaster Mereel -who recently toured America. According to the ATF 95 percent of the 5.5 million guns manufactured in America are sold domestically .Only 47 percent of these have registered having guns in their households according to Gallup.CNN Reports in December 2012 show that 50% of the guns on Earth are owned by Americans You cannot take this for granted. Consider the recent mass shooting in Connecticut. President Obama is trying to prevent this from happening again. However this is a culture that has long been. Looking at it from that perspective, you cannot wait for Mr. Obama to bend an old tree. Be polite and stay out of trouble.

Matters of the stomach in America.
The biggest population of cancer victims is in America among other developed regions. Findings by the Oral Cancer Foundation state that every day 100 new individuals are diagnosed with cancer in the US alone. This has been attributed to obesity and diet. If you are a smoke and take alcohol you are more prone. They are concentrated with either fat and sugar or both. Look at the picture. Don’t you just want to have the American Burger whole at once? Slow down tiger. This contains 30 -142 grams of cholesterol. It only takes 240 grams to cause heart conditions and kidney conditions. You may have come from regions where burgers are not made .Enjoy them once in a while. However exercise adequately. Other killer combos include:
Please note though that the stomach does get idle a lot of times. To silence it we often choose to buy something for the road .Well, consider this a taboo in Canada. You do not eat on the street. No one can ask you of course but there is no point in looking misplaced and greedy. Watch your eating habits in America.
Saluting an American.
You have just spotted your long lost friend across the street. Most of us would rush and fly at them with kisses and hugs. Not to Latino Americans! Women greet with a slight nod whereas men use a firm handshake. The men are not to greet a woman unless she stretches out her hand. You can feel free to woman up during such a situation.
Fitting in and feeling at home in America may take some time. Natives of Europe will have to deal with the grammatical difference whereas Asians and African handle a cultural turn of 180 degrees. Americans embrace change and move on swiftly. This is how most industrialized countries are as they are. Knowledge is power. Now that you know, reform. In the end, all will be well.
 Paul (in blue) a native of Jamaica moved from home to work as a deejay in America. This is what he had to say:

If you came here like me and had a job right away the transition was different but not at all easy. I had to start at the bottom as far as work and had to pretty much start over with the process of school. Coming from a 3rd world country also had its advantages. We tend to work harder and can survive on what some may describe as nothing. We were not accustomed to most of the conveniences of a first world country. We tend to be able to work our way up faster than someone who's had opportunities in abundance and do without what most here can’t.”

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